71 year old patient experienced long-term loss of function of her Left shoulder as shown by decreased range of motion and pain, loss of sensation in areas of left biceps & triceps. She presents for hyperbaric oxygen therapy for these radiation side effects due to radiation of the same area. She completed 30 hyperbaric sessions at 2.0-2.5 ATA for 90 minutes each, with pre and post assessments:
This patient presented to the clinic with a multitude of medical issues, including obesity, poorly controlled type II diabetes on insulin, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, depression and anxiety, and a history of severe urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction secondary to prostate cancer treated with radioactive seeds. He also noted that his memory was becoming progressively worse.
This 19 year old patient presented with significant consequences from that aggressive radiation treatment regimen when she was 3 years old. The radiation prevented her adult teeth from being able to be pushed to the surface, and as a result, she was left with no teeth.
87 year old female with a history of hypertension, high cholesterol, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, all controlled with medication, presented to our office looking for help in resolving a small ulcer on her left lower leg that up to this point had remained resistant to normal wound care.
46-year-old female patient that visited our office with a large area of black, dying skin around and including the nipple after a very recent breast reduction surgery.
The patient had spent 3 years in the military, during which time he was exposed to several different concussive explosive events that resulted in Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI’s). The final explosive scenario in which he was involved resulted from him stepping on an IED, resulting in the loss of his right lower leg, shrapnel injuries, and another, more significant TBI.
70 year old male patient with radiation to throat 6 years prior. Residual complaints include loss of teeth and inability to endure or tolerate surgical replacement of teeth with implants.
91 year old male patient severe dementia developing after stroke and traumatic brain injury, with history of delayed radiation injury after prostate cancer.
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