There is such good evidence of HBOT’s effect in treating radiation proctitis, that the American Society of Colon and Rectal surgeons’ guidelines recommend the use of HBOT as an effective treatment modality to reduce rectal bleeding. The new blood vessels, along with accelerated creation of epithelium (like the “skin” lining your GI tract) and collagen, alleviate symptoms in 89% of radiation proctitis patients with results that last beyond 6 to 12 months once 30 to 40 treatments are completed.
Bone health is highly dependent upon good blood flow, and this is even more essential for the jaw because each of the teeth need to pull their blood supply from the jawbone. One of the main ways radiation treatments kill cancer cells is by destroying blood vessels that feed the cancer. Unfortunately, cancer does not live in a vacuum, and any surrounding healthy areas become collateral damage, destroying blood vessels anywhere in and around the path of radiation. Additionally, radiation also does further damage via tissue fibrosis (scarring) and stem cell destruction that leads to a “fibro-atrophic” effect – meaning basically that the tissue, including bone, scars, withers and dies.
We know that many cancers are treated with radiation as a component of the treatment regimen. Radiation works to kill cancer primarily by penetrating deep into the tissues and destroying the blood vessels that feed the cancer what it needs to grow. Unfortunately, even with the best efforts at precision, damage to surrounding, healthy tissue occurs. Sometimes this damage shows up early, but it often takes years to develop.
Radiation is commonly used for breast cancer, depending on the type and stage. Given the increasing number of those developing breast cancer, there are more and more every year coming face to face with these long-term side effects. Let’s explore these, and treatment options, in more detail.
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL) is a medical mouthful that describes a sudden and often unexplained loss of hearing, most often in one ear. While the hearing loss can worsen gradually over a few days, it generally occurs suddenly and without any other symptoms to warn of it’s development.
Case studies from Hyperbaric treatment for long-haulers are documenting impressive results in patients suffering with brain fog, dizziness, depression, headaches, fatigue, weakness and oxygen saturation, with results in as few as five treatments. After the ravaging effect of Covid on the world and over 30 million patients, the results we are seeing with effective multisystem treatment approaches for patients are quite encouraging.
Chronic wound care can include Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, medical grade honey, low level laser therapy, biological dressings, and many other interventions. Yet, these treatments require resources of time, medical insurance and financial commitment. If you already suffer from Diabetes, some of your best strategies are to eat a high fiber, anti-inflammatory diet with healthy fats, lean proteins, and no processed foods. Manage your blood sugar levels aggressively, exercise regularly, and last but certainly not least, practice proper Diabetic foot care! Don’t ever let that intruder get into the house…
Millions of people every year in the US are victims of situations that produce Traumatic Brain Injuries, otherwise known as TBI’s. As we continue to better understand the short and long term effects of TBI’s, it is becoming increasingly evident that they represent a significant burden on the patient, their families, relationships, and their work productivity. Lets learn a little more…
Osteomyelitis of the jaw is a chronic bone infection that’s often difficult to heal with antibiotics alone because of its deep-seated nature and poor blood flow. HBOT increases blood flow to the area by stimulating the development of new small blood vessels called capillaries, increasing antibacterial capability of white blood cells and “natural killer” cells by providing high levels of oxygen needed to heal.
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