(Most often in cancer patients): Includes many residual symptoms and conditions from radiation therapy 2 months to decades afterwards, often resulting from blood vessel and tissue damage, with scar tissue leading to pain and loss of proper functioning.
Osteoradionecrosis and Soft Tissue Radionecrosis:
(bone death from radiation): A complication most often in head and neck radiation patients, such as brain, thyroid and jaw. It can also occur in any area of bone that is irradiated and can cause ulcers, bone loss, pain, swelling, saliva production issues, and sensation loss.
Compromised Skin Grafts and Flaps:
Grafts and flaps of skin and other tissue used during surgery with delayed healing. This can often occur in an area that had received radiation therapy and needs reconstructive surgery such as breast reconstruction.
(chronic bone infection): Most commonly found in the jaw and feet, infection can be caused by deep wounds, post radiation cancer patients, bone surgeries/implants, and circulatory diseases. Treated with antibiotics and resistant to standard wound care, symptoms include swelling, pain and fevers.
Struggling with a Diabetic foot ulcer can be a drag… with difficulty walking, pain, swelling, numbness and discharge. Often resistant to standard wound care, these Grade 3+ chronic ulcers can have great results healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
Sudden Hearing Loss and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
HBOT provides extra oxygen to the cells of the ear that is essentially “food” for the cells to repair the damage, along with activating stem cells to release growth factors for an increase healing speed and capability. Hearing improves on average 19 to 37 dB’s. This is a substantial improvement and is enough to prevent many people from having to get a hearing aid and is covered by some insurances.
Other FDA Approved Indications
Blood Loss Anemia: : Severe anemia unable to be transfused with red blood cells due to religious reasons, immunologic reasons, or blood availability issues. Symptoms from blood loss anemia include severe fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath and cold extremities.
Crush Injury: Acute ischemia (loss of blood flow)-usually caused by heavy equipment
Air or Gas Embolism: Caused by air in the arteries caused by diving or an invasive medical procedure that punctures an artery or lung
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: CO poisoning complicated by cyanide poisoning. Also includes poisoning from methylene chloride
Gas Gangrene: The medical names for these severe infections of the muscle are clostridial myositis and myonecrosis
Intracranial Abscess: These abscesses of the brain are common in patients with abnormal immune systems
Decompression Sickness: Brought on when a diver ascends too quickly and does not allow the oxygen in the body to expand at a safe rate
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: From "flesh-eating bacteria," these severe infections usually progress rapidly
Thermal Burn Injury: From fire or heat
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